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Closures From COVID-19 Restrictions Hurt Holiday Revenues For Retail Stores, Restaurants

PASADENA (CBSLA) - During the holidays, retail stores and restaurants are feeling the impacts of mandatory closures as COVID-19 cases surge in Los Angeles County.

Governor Gavin Newsom forced Pasadena to shut down outdoor dining, the last city in Los Angeles County to do so.

Many restaurants and stores said their holiday foot traffic significantly decreased.

"There are not many people around," said one restaurant manager. "We're really trying hard to keep the restaurant in business."

L.A. County officials issued the health order prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. Since then, restaurants have been allowed only to offer delivery or takeout services. Pasadena, which has its own health department, initially opted not to ban outdoor dining. However, the regional stay-at-home order which took effect earlier this month changed that.

In the fall, it was reported that 1 in 3 restaurants told the California Restaurant Association they will either close permanently or downsize by closing some locations.

Some shoppers said Tuesday evening they feel much safer walking down the streets of Pasadena without massive crowds.

"There's still a lot of foot traffic, it's just less constant." said one shopper. "It [is too bad] the stores are making less money."

Some stores have pulled all merchandise off their shelves and completely closed until restrictions are lifted.

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