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Best Resources For Homeschool Families In OC

Homeschooling is a choice more and more parents are embracing for their children. Taking control of your child's education can be daunting, but you needn't go it alone. Whether you're just starting out or preparing for higher learning, a number of invaluable academic and informational resources are available to Orange County homeschooling families.

Talega Preparatory Academy
3 Calle Boveda
San Clemente, CA 92673
(949) 275-0767

Talega Preparatory Academy is a California-certified private school, which offers independent study programs for homeschooling families. TPA is the alternative you have been looking for to public and charter schooling. TPA individually tailors its educational programs and will help you design a curriculum to suit your child's unique interests, talents and aptitude. Talega Prep confidentially records your student's progress and works with homeschooling families to make sure your children excel and meet all California State educational requirements.

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Celebration Education
Brea Lions Scout Center
401 S. Brea Blvd.
Brea, CA 92821
(877) 676-8884

Get your little homeschoolers out of the home and celebrate learning with like minded-students across the county. Celebration Education brings independent students together in creative, entertaining and informational activities through the Brea Learning Center. Explore, seek, discover and learn in a hands-on study session or on an exciting field trip, including CE's own Disney Days. Classes and excursions for students of all ages are offered regularly throughout the year.

OC Homeschooling

Your online source for everything homeschooling in Orange County, OC Homeschooling keeps you in the loop and up to date. This easy-to-navigate website contains information by, for and about OC homeschooling. Enjoy special events, group activities, study sessions, camps, classes, support and important relevant contacts. Join, explore and experience the OC Homeschooling community. Educational and athletic courses, excursions, seminars and sports leagues are popping up and going on all throughout the county, all year long. More resources than you ever imagined exist, and this is the place to find them. OC Homeschooling is where to go to learn all about it, sign up and join in.

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The Homeschool Campus of OC
2987 Mesa Verde Drive E
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(949) 698-6309

The Homeschool Campus of OC is a ministry dedicated to assisting families in creating and maintaining an enjoyable and fruitful homeschooling experience. HSC provides resources for families to help pursue their educational goals with confidence. HSC students are exposed to core academic instruction from art to engineering. Enjoy group interaction through field trips and community involvement. Your entire family will receive faith-based inspiration and guidance as you learn, lead and educate. HSC programs are open to all elementary through high school-aged students.

The Sycamore Academy
17150 Newhope St.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 668-1343‎

Since 1982, Sycamore has provided credentialed homeschool educational services to Kindergarten through high school-age students. Sycamore Academy is an online homeschool teaching program that will help your K-12 child excel in the home-classroom environment. Accessible anytime, from anywhere, at your own pace, Sycamore Academy Online allows you to tailor a program based on your student's educational requirements and personal scheduling needs. Performance is recorded, monitored and graded by qualified instructors who are available to guide and assist you and your student every step of the way. Draft any combination of online and in-person curriculum. Enrollments are accepted anytime throughout the school year.

Christopher Schmidt is a freelance writer experiencing and espousing the glory that is Orange County. Driven to travel, drawn to sports, spirits and celebrity, Chris' work can be found on

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