Best Places To Have High Tea in LA
Queen Elizabeth has ruled the United Kingdom for 62 years now, and people are celebrating her Diamond Jubilee all over the world. Even in West Hollywood. You can pay homage any time of year by partaking in a proper afternoon tea.
While tea time is a tradition brought over by the Brits, we Angelenos have taken the occasion to a whole new level. If you love tea, sipping champagne, scones, Devonshire cream, petite pastries, strawberries and tiny sandwiches with the crust cut, off tea time is an experience you will be sure find more than pleasing.
Take a look at the best tea time offerings in town and be sure to make a note of which you love the most. It's hard to decide with all the delicious choices and decadent destinations.
What is your cup of tea? Have a favorite that is not on the list? Tell us in the comments!
The Peninsula Hotel
9882 S Santa Monica Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 551-2888
If you would like to enjoy the most luxurious LA tea time, you must make a visit to the elegant Peninsula Hotel located on Little Santa
Monica in beautiful Beverly Hills. Lounge around in The Living Room for their traditional afternoon tea. Select from the Royal Tea or The Imperial Tea option, but be aware that both are often booked weeks out and for a good reason. A classical harpist sets the stage for a tea time experience graced with musical masterpieces that immediately gets you in the mood for an afternoon of heavenly delight. There are so many wonderful blends to choose from as well. As you are served your special choice of flavorful steaming hot tea, scones with clotted cream and the best cucumber sandwiches in town are served in a truly tasteful fashion. Champagne, fresh strawberries and simply divine pastries top it all off and there you have the top tea time of all LA. Reserve your table online and plan to splurge and dress to impress as this is an expensive event.
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
1151 Oxford Road
San Marino, CA 91108
(626) 405-2100
The Rose Garden Tea Room and Café is surrounded by the beautiful botanical gardens of the historic Huntington Library which are located in the exclusive neighborhood of San Marino near Pasadena. After you have toured the library, taken in the breathtaking art collections, photographs, sculptures and literary works of art, a moment of rest and a sip of tea will certainly hit the spot. Served in a casual manner, you are offered your choice of traditional English Teas and then escorted to a central buffet where you may devour as many sandwiches, cheeses, fruits and petite pastries as your tummy desires. Scones and cream are served upon request so do keep that in mind in if you are in the mood for some more of England's tea time treats. No dress code, no reservations needed and affordable for most everyone.
Once you are completely satisfied you then have the opportunity to view acres and acres of magical gardens.
The London West Hollywood
1020 N San Vicente Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90069
(310) 854-1111
The London West Hollywood is a hidden gem centrally located between shops and the celebrity scene on Sunset Strip. Sophisticated yet welcoming, this boutique hotel offers high tea in the Boxwood Café Saturday and Sunday from 2:30-4pm Enjoy seasonal menus during Spring and Summer like the "Garden Tea party" in the spring and "Afternoons on Ice" during the hot summer months in Gordon Ramsey's casual bistro. Springtime at the Boxwood includes a menu of pastries such as Candied Ginger Chiffon Cake, Pistachio Macaroons partnered with finger sandwiches, scones, and a selection of delicious loose teas and herbal blends. Guests cool off with ice teas at "Afternoons on Ice", eat light, flavorful sandwiches and lovely fruits. Need an extra flavor in your tea? Ask for ask for champagne or sparking wines to be added to your ice teas for an extra kick. The Boxwood Cafe is inviting and has sophisticated, stylish decor. Afternoon tea can be a family affair as well. Children will be in for a delightful treat as they nibble on scones and are served by attentive waitstaff amid beautiful views of the city. Make sure to visit the rooftop deck for panoramic views of the Hollywood Hills.
Beverly Hills Hotel
9641 Sunset Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 276-2551
When it comes to old Hollywood and the very best of glamour, The Beverly Hills Hotel is iconic in and of itself. The minute you step out of your car onto the red carpet that leads to the reception area you feel like an old time movie star. The colors, the draperies, the furniture and the chandeliers are all classic reminders of the days of glitz and opulence. Tea is served in the famous Polo Lounge where you can choose to be seated outside on the patio surrounded by voluptuous vines, flowers and greenery. The tea is delicious and offers all the usual treats but the fact that you are actually experiencing Hollywood History is what makes this tea so much fun!
The Bel Air Hotel
701 Stone Canyon Road
Los Angeles, CA 90077
The Bel Air Hotel encapsulates the words "class" and "style" in manner only the legendary hotel could present. This boutique hotel, conservative in its own way, caters to the recession-proof demographic of our great city. Understated for this very reason, the legendary gem is more like Jackie O than Marilyn Monroe. The grounds are beyond stunning with their signature swans, lush foliage and romantic wooden bridge which takes you from the valet to the magical world of The Bel Air Hotel. What makes this afternoon tea unique? Celebrity chef Mr. Wolfgang Puck who has put his signature twist on all of the old favorites. Included are such delicacies as a Gruyere grilled cheese sandwich, smoked pork belly Wellington, Grand Marnier Cream puffs and sour cherry scones. For an innovative, surprise-filled experience this is definitely your cup of tea.