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Some Southland Parents And Students Say LAUSD Is Leaving Them Out Of The School Reopening Conversations

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) - Parents and students from around the Southland gathered at Los Angeles Unified School District headquarters downtown on Sunday, claiming they are being left out of the conversation and decision making process in the district's fall reopening.

"We're here to say enough is enough," Kristina Irwin, a parent of an LAUSD child, told Hermela Aregawi. "Open up the schools five days a week. Kid wants to learn. They want to be with their friends. We're done, enough."

Cecelia Iglesias, another parent, said that in addition to full-time in-person instruction, they want LAUSD to make parents partners in the decision making.

"How many kids are going to fall behind and this school system is just going to let happen, this county is just going to let it happen?" Ryan Rauzon, a parent whose kids are in the Torrance Unified School District, told CBSLA.

Organizers of Sunday's protest said there's still too much uncertainty about what the summer and fall schedules will look like because the school board is ignoring parents and making decisions based on the teacher's union.

"Cecily Myart-Cruz had said, 'Like, we'll see. We don't know if it's going to be safe yet in the fall.' I mean...the whole state is reopening. Masks are coming off. So, what is it that she doesn't know?" organizer and parent Danna Rosenthal said.

LAUSD told CBSLA that they don't have any comment at this time, and United Teachers Los Angeles has yet to respond to requests for comment.


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