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Church Pushes For Chance To Re-Open During Pandemic By Suggesting Strict Guidelines

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) -- Some Los Angeles residents are eager to get back into their regular routine of going to a house of worship.

People who choose to attend churches and other religious institutions as their way of coping with struggles -- many of which can be enhanced by the coronavirus pandemic -- aren't able to access facilities the same ways they once did pre-pandemic, since churches are considered non-essential, high-risk environments by the government.

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According to Gov. Gavin Newsom's plan to reopen the state, opening places of worship falls under Phase 3 of California's reopening plan, which could still be months away.

Sandals Church in Riverside, led by Pastor Dan Zimbardi, is calling on the governor to reconsider.

"We're asking you to take a look at our plan," he said.

The church believes they can safely open their doors to parishioners much sooner by mandating masks, taking temperatures and seating everyone six feet apart.

The pastor said among the changes they would opt into include constant cleaning, marking pews and not passing around buckets for church members to give an offering.

Their plan also includes physically distancing families with young children, elderly people and others at risk of getting sick in separate rooms.

Safer-At-Home guidelines apply to the entire state of California.

Zimbardi says he hopes the church will be able to discuss their proposal with the governor.

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