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Cartoonish Job Ad For Graphics Designer Goes Viral

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — A job ad for a graphics designer for the city of Los Angeles ironically looks like it was designed by a child using a computer for the first time – a combination that has drawn a lot of attention.

The ad, posted on Facebook, features a simple mosaic on one side and the seal of the City of Los Angeles on the other.

Reminiscent of the early Windows graphics program Paint, in a mouse-drawn scrawl, the ad reads, "The City of Los Angeles is now hiring Graphics Designer." The letters Graphics Designer are in a rainbow of colors.

Some of the comments in reaction to the post included, "[I}t hurts to look at" and "Why am I laughing so hard at this?"

The ad, incidentally, is offering a salary range from $46,708 to $103,230. Interested applicants have until Jan. 25 to apply.

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