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Man Arrested After Rudely Waking Up El Segundo Residents With Loud Air Horn

EL SEGUNDO ( — El Segundo residents can live in peace now after a man suspected of sounding a loud air horn was arrested Tuesday.

For the past five weeks, residents in the quiet South Bay neighborhood had been rudely awaken by loud horn sounds.

"Sometimes 6 in the morning, sometimes 4 in the morning, sometimes 2 in the morning," one man said.

"I can't tell you how many people were ticked off," another man said.

On Sunday, residents finally were able to enjoy some peace and quiet after police arrested John Nuggent at about 4 a.m.

Officers found an air compressor in the back seat of his 4-door blue 2006 Chevrolet Aveo and two industrial-grade train horns under the hood.

Initially, Nuggent claimed the horns came with the car. But police said he later admitted that he had an axe to grind with one particular neighbor.

"I've been in law enforcement 24 years, and I've never heard of anything like this,"  said El Segundo police Lt. Raymond Garcia.

Residents took to Facebook to cheer the arrest.

"FINALLY! Yay! Did you also get him for the stop sign running? I'd seen him a couple times but not close enough to get his plates, and he NEVER stopped, including on Halloween with all the kids out on the streets!" wrote Sarah Ainsworth.

Kristin Sellens said: "Thank you ESPD! I am a victim of his antics which have kept me awake many nights. I love living in a city where the police take its citizens' complaints seriously!"

"Thank you!!! He almost ran us over when we were out trick or treating with our kids!!!!" Jill Puffer wrote.

Nuggent was booked at the El Segundo jail and police impounded his car. But he has been released from jail since, and police had to return his car with all the horn equipment inside.

Neighbors worried Nuggent may resume his shenanigans now that he is out of jail.

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