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Lake Los Angeles Residents Angered By Plan To House 'Pillowcase Rapist'

LAKE LOS ANGELES ( — Some Lake Los Angeles residents are angry about the possible release of a convicted rapist into their community.

A Santa Clara County judge announced last Friday that 62-year-old Christopher Hubbart — the "Pillowcase Rapist" — could potentially be housed on Laredo Vista Avenue in Lake Los Angeles when he's conditionally released, which could be as early as December.

According to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the home in Lake Los Angeles was the only house that complied with Jessica's Law, which prohibits sex offenders released from prison from living within 2,000 feet of parks and schools. KCAL9's Andrea Fujii reported that the landlord agreed to rent to Hubbart, who admitted to raping nearly 40 women between 1971 and 1982.

Residents have staged protests outside Hubbart's proposed home, and a Facebook page has been dedicated to preventing him from taking up residence.

"How am I supposed to be able to go into my bedroom and lay down at night and go to sleep, knowing that he could come in?" said Nichole Stone.

A local radio show was broadcast Wednesday from outside the house, where the previous night a rock-thrower had broken windows. Stone said that if Hubbart moves in, the violence will only get worse.

"There are people talking around town about how they want to burn the house down with him inside of it," she said.

Kayla Irwin, whose family lives across the street, said she's thinking about opening a daycare facility; by law, therefore, Hubbart couldn't move in.

"Let's go through with it because then he can't live here if we're going to do a daycare," she said.

The court will make a final decision on Hubbart's housing sometime in December.


Judge: Convicted 'Pillowcase Rapist' Could Become Lake Los Angeles Resident

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