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Best Hot Chocolate In Los Angeles

While some say it's always summer in the city of angels, Los Angeles does have its fair share of cooler days when the sun decides to play hide and seek with the clouds. On days when the clouds are winning, a nice cup of the best hot chocolate in Los Angeles will be sure to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

O So Juicy
99 N. La Cienega Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 659-9144
www.osojuicyorganic.comLocated near the epicenter of LA's entertainment industry, O So Juicy serves up a nice version of its hot chocolate that every health nut in LA would thoroughly enjoy. O So Juicy makes its hot chocolate with Rawcholatl, a dark cacao powder made with organic cacao, coconut palm sugar and a unique blend of powders that make it rich with anti-oxidants and beneficial as a digestive aid. It's a vegan-friendly, gluten-free and allergen-free hot chocolate the Mayans would have drank over a thousand years ago. The best part is the absence of refined sugars, which means you can have your chocolate fix everyday without all the guilt.

Short Cake
6333 W. 3rd. St., Stall 316
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 761-7976
www.shortcakela.comIf you love their chocolate chip cookies, then you will be sure to love Short Cake's hot chocolate. Made from the same TCHO chocolate chunks used in Nancy's Favorite Chocolate Chip cookies, the bakers at Short Cake use the chunks to create a special ganache. The ganache is then folded with creamy milk from Straus Family Creamery. Both of these high-quality ingredients combined make for a mind-blowing hot chocolate that's out of this world.

ChocolateBox Cafe
3939 Cross Creek Road, Suite C100
Malibu, CA 90263
(310) 456-7977
www.chocolateboxcafe.comFor gourmet hot chocolates in unimaginable flavors, ChocolateBox Cafe is the place to go. Among its most requested hot chocolates include the cinnamon hot chocolate, jasmine hot chocolate, mint hot chocolate and the orange hot chocolate. ChocolateBox cafe prides itself on the use of high-quality Belgium chocolate shavings which are then steamed to your desired consistency for the richest flavor in every cup.

Related: Best Places To Get A Hot Toddy In Los Angeles

Neighborhood Grinds
2315 Artesia Blvd., Unit 1
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 371-0900
www.neighborhoodgrinds.comKnown for having the best coffee in town, Neighborhood Grinds also steams up a nice cup of hot chocolate equally as good as its coffee. Made with Ghirardelli chocolate chips, Neighborhood Grinds' hot chocolate is even tastier when coupled with its home-made chocolate whip cream made from Ghiradelli chocolate syrup. During the holidays, you can even get a peppermint hot chocolate for a minty hot chocolate.

135 S. San Pedro St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 613-9300
www.cafedemitasse.comDemitasse is famous for its spin on the classic hot chocolate. Made with cocoa powder and Tahitian vanilla, it's like drinking liquid chocolate with a hint of lavender. It's served with a jumbo-sized marshmallow roasted to order with a blow torch. It's probably one of the thickest hot chocolates you will ever try.

Related: Best Places To Get Healthy Cocktails In Los Angeles

Niki Payne is a freelance writer covering all things Entertainment in Los Angeles. Her work can be found on

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