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Laguna Beach To Consider Expanding Smoking Ban

LAGUNA BEACH ( — The Laguna Beach City Council is expected Tuesday to consider expanding its smoking ban to all public places.

Currently, smokers are forbidden to light up at beaches, parks, restaurants and restrooms.

Under the proposed ordinance, smoking will also not be allowed on streets, in alleys, on sidewalks, and in common areas like pools and patios in apartments and condo complexes.

The ban would apply to e-cigarettes, vape pens and marijuana smokes.

Violators would be warned then ticketed.

Daniel Hernandez, who has been trying to quit, thinks it is a good idea because he says it will get him to kick the habit cold turkey.

"I think that will make it a little easier because when you walk out, you see somebody smoking, and it makes it easy to get," he said.

"I don't agree with that whatsoever. We have the right to smoke. For them to take away smoking in common areas is totally unfair," another smoker says.

A city spokesman told CBS2's Stacy Butler that for months, residents have complainws about secondhand smoke on sidewalks, alleys and common areas.

If passed, it will be the most restrictive smoking ban in Orange County.

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