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7-Year-Old Job Seeker Gets 'Rejection' Letter From Google That Will Make Your Heart Melt

LOS ANGELES ( — Bean bags. Go karts. And slides.

After seeing images, these were just some of the things that led Chloe Bridgewater of England to apply for a job at Google.

That's according to her dad, Andy Bridgewater.

Like many, the thought of working at Google was enticing. But unlike many of the applicants, Chloe is only 7.

What happened next, however, was even more unexpected.

As Bridgewater explains on his LinkedIn profile, the young job seeker then received a letter from Sundar Pichai, Google's CEO.

"I'm glad that you like computers and robots, and hope that you will continue to learn about technology," Pichai wrote.

He went on to say, "I think if you keep working hard and following your dreams, you can accomplish everything you get your mind to -- from working at Google to swimming in the Olympics."

But that wasn't all.

Pichai also indicated that he looked forward to receiving Chloe's application when she is finished with school.

CNET indicates that Google confirmed that the letter was authentic, and as expected, it's gone viral.

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