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Alleged Stalker Posts Videos Of Him Picking Up Women In Downtown L.A., Sparking Outrage

LOS ANGELES ( — A self-proclaimed pickup artist who roams the streets of downtown Los Angeles has many people on alert.

One of the videos Dan Cilley posted on YouTube shows him aggressively approaching women saying things like "Can I get an image of your butt? Are you 18 years old? Sorry if I creeped you out or anything. I don't want to touch you or do you want to touch me?"

In the footage, he's the admitted "Downtown L.A. predator - that's what people call me."

The videos sparked dozens of nasty comments and threats. One wrote: "If I see you harassing women downtown, I'm going to knock your lights out."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you were a serial killer," another person wrote.

Blair Besten is the executive director of Historic Core Business Improvement District, which works with police to improve the quality of life in the downtown area.

She said she heard from a lot of people frustrated about Cilley. "I started receiving texts, emails and phone calls, just people who are genuinely concerned about his behavior," Besten said.

But what he is doing is not against the law as long he is recording on public property and he isn't touching the women, according to police.

"He can film you on a public sidewalk. He can talk to you. He can approach you," Bersten added. "Under First Amendment, he can say almost anything."

Jocelyn Rodriguez, who lives in downtown, said "I'm pretty mean so I would probably say something pretty vulgar. I'm not going to lie."

"I have some pepper spray. So, I'll warn him and then (spraying him)," another woman said.

Cilley told CBS2/KCAL9's Rachel Kim he is not a predator but simply is trying to figure out a way to talk to women because women in the area don't respond to him.

If you are approached by Cilley, police advise you to just walk away and not engage him.

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