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Hancock Park's Historical Concrete Streets To Undergo Repairs

HANCOCK PARK ( — Street repairs are about to begin in a neighborhood that has been waiting decades for help.

The Hancock Park concrete street repair pilot program will officially kick off Thursday morning, thanks to funding recently identified by Councilmember David Ryu.

Many of Hancock Park's stately homes date back to the 1920s, when concrete was used for constructing streets in Los Angeles. Concrete, which does last longer and is said to appear cleaner and more attractive, is more costly to repair than asphalt.

The city offered to repave Hancock Park's streets in asphalt years ago, but neighbors demurred, not wanting to harm the historical integrity of the area.

Many of the neighborhood's streets are cracking and sport asphalt patches in several areas.

The city has moved to an almost entirely asphalt street system, and Hancock Park has seen little to no street repairs over the past several decades due to the difficulty and expense of repairing concrete streets.

City officials say they will not repave Hancock Park's streets all at once, but will instead target the worst areas first.

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