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Los Feliz 'Murder Mansion' On The Market For $2.75 Million

LOS FELIZ ( — A Los Feliz mansion that has sat vacant for a half-century after it was the site of a gory murder-suicide is on the market.

The Spanish-style mansion at 2475 Glendower Place is on the market for $2.75 million. Among the perks, the four-bedroom house sits at the base of Griffith Park and offers expansive views on a clear day.

But the spooky mansion is better known as a destination for ghost hunters.

In 1959, physician Harold Perelson bludgeoned his wife Lillian to death  with a hammer while she was sleeping in the house and then set out to kill his eldest daughter, Judy, too. She escaped and the doctor took his own life with a concoction of drugs and tranquilizers.

The home was sold shortly after to a Lincoln Heights couple. But neighbors observed that the family never really moved in -- the Perelson's Christmas tree even sat out for a while -- and it has sat vacant since the 1960's.

The couple's son inherited the house, but he died last year and had no children. The house is now being listed through a probate sale.

As news has spread that the mansion is on the market, some intrepid souls have ventured into the house to get a sneak peak of what's inside.

Credit: Reddit user /u/cocoreddits


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