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CBS2/KCAL9 Captures Mystery 'Hidden Cash' Man Making Money Drop In LA

LOS ANGELES ( — An anonymous millionaire who has been hiding cash all over the San Francisco Bay Area has brought his scavenger hunt for money to the Southland.

The mystery man and real estate developer has been tweeting (@HiddenCash) clues to the locations of envelopes stuffed with $20 and $100 bills.

CBS2/KCLA9 was at the secret location in Los Angeles Wednesday night and landed an exclusive interview as the man behind the Twitter handle made his first two drops and tweeted clues to their locations. He said he plans to be in L.A. for the next few days.

"This thing is really taking off, the hidden cash. Initially this was just a small, local San Francisco story and it's just gone global worldwide. So it's great timing that I'm gonna be in LA for the next three days and I want to do some drops here and get the city excited about finding money and just the idea about giving back," he said.

The mystery man said he had found success with a recent real estate investment and wanted to share the wealth with the community.

Ken Dellinger was the first LA resident to strike it rich with $250 in cash. In the spirit of the game, he gave some of his finding to three other men also looking for the money.

"I just happened to look on Twitter a few minutes ago cause I remembered it was going to be happening this weekend . . . and I saw something about the fountain and I live just up the block. It was awesome," he said.

Mr. Hidden Cash also gave away a $100 bill at the fountain.

The next scheduled money drop is Thursday evening.

Those who are lucky enough to find the envelope are asked tweet a photo and tag @HiddenCash.

The Twitter account had more than 270,000 followers as of Thursday morning.

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