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No Danger In Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Despite Fukushima Disaster, USC Professor Says

GLENDALE ( — A University of Southern California professor says there is no danger in eating Pacific Ocean-caught fish despite concerns about possible radiation contamination from Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

Dr. Daniel Stram, a preventative medicine professor, studied the effects of radiation from Hiroshima and Nagasaki and said the data collected so far on Fukushima does not show a health risk.

"There's no danger from Fukushima with the fish that we eat," he said.

CBS2's Juan Fernandez reported from Fish King in Glendale Wednesday night, where owner Jon Kagawa said imported bluefin tuna was no longer on the menu because of online reports that claim radiation levels in the Pacific were off the charts.

"I think for the most part we try to take everything with a bit of caution nowadays. It's kinda like information overload, and you really don't know how true the information really is," Kagawa said.

Kagawa said while all fish can't be tested for radiation, the FDA does conduct spot checks on all fish brought into the United States.

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