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Stay Fit This Holiday With Tips From Fitness Expert Tracey Mallett

STUDIO CITY ( — Fitness and Wellness Expert, Tracey Mallett, visited the KCAL9 studios Thursday to demo some workout moves to help viewers stay fit during and after the holiday season.

Mallett is the creator of BootyBarre, a sexy, energetic, fun workout that fuses fitness techniques from Dance, Pilates, and Yoga that will tone, define and chisel the whole body.

The Booty Barre® method is the perfect combination of strength and flexibility with added cardio to burn fat fast. Barre workouts have become a popular choice with celebrities such Madonna, Natalie Portman and Zooey Deschanel.


The plank- perfect for working the abdominals and contracting them against gravity so that after you perform them you understand the feeling of drawing in the abdominals to keep them flat when you have to fit in the tight party dress for a holiday party.

(On forearms with toes turned under, add a variation to oft the leg and pulse to active the flutes)

Side Plank-works on the obliques and helps with shaping the waste


The Crab Dip- works the triceps and shoulders without any use of fancy equipment just by lifting your own body weight.

(On the floor with the hands behind the body and finger tips facing forwards. The knees and bent hip width apart. ]

Tricep leg Kick- this incorporates the glutes and hamstrings

(In Crab Dip lift the leg up and down whilst you lift the hips up to the sky.

Three Tips to Getting Back in Shape After the Holidays:

1. Gradually start back into exercise, first week plan 2-3 workouts then a couple of weeks later up the workouts to 3-4 times. Otherwise you will burn out quickly and give up.
2. Find something that you enjoy and that you can do constantly for results, a local studio class, walking or running or even a home exercise DVD.
3. Have a weekly plan of action, schedule the workout otherwise it will not happen. If you miss one workout don't give up just make up for it another day by working for a longer period of time.

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