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'Layaway Angels' Spread Holiday Cheer At South LA Walmart

LOS ANGELES ( — Ear-to-ear grins filled the parking lot of a South Los Angeles Walmart as family after family witnessed a miracle of sorts: toys they had on layaway paid off in their entirety!

On Friday, R.S. Schmitt from hand-delivered a check in the amount of $1,000 to the mega-store.

"None of them know what's coming," he told CBS2's Bobby Kaple. "We contact the store. The manager goes in and looks for all the layaways that have toys that are in default and those are the ones that are going to get paid off."

The gratitude was obvious as the toys were distributed to families in need.

For Kayla Diaz and Mark Fletcher, the act of generosity left them speechless. The pair hardly had enough money to pay their bus fare back from Walmart.

"Just don't have the words to describe it. It's amazing. We've been blessed with a big amount paid off our layaways," Fletcher said.

Another recipient, Nastasha Brown, said, "I was actually going to take some of the items off that I had on there and now I don't have to so that was a big blessing."

And for Taaz Brown, another lucky shopper, having her layaways paid off left her in shock.

"I thought I was being punk'd. When we got on the elevator, she was like, 'the layaway angels paid off your layaway.' I thought she was just joking," she said.

And in true angel fashion, Schmitt disappeared before any of the layaway shoppers figured out that their bills had been paid off.

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