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Crenshaw High School Hosts Trayvon Martin Dedication For MLK Jr. Anniversary

CRENSHAW ( — High school students, teachers and political officials hosted Tuesday a Garden Beautification, Trayvon Martin Memorial Dedication and march.

The event began at 9 a.m. at the Crenshaw High School Garden, 5010 11th Ave., when Los Angeles Police Department officers shared with students the civil and obedient way to express First Amendment rights.

"The key is making them focus on legitimate ways to express their opinions. Make sure their views are heard and not distorted by illegal activity," Los Angeles City Council member Bernard Parks said.

An area of the garden will be dedicated to Trayvon Martin in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.

"It could have been one of us," Daphne Bradford said.

"The purpose of the march is to honor Dr. King's legacy of non-violence and to teach young people, the 'social media generation', how to express their First Amendment rights while standing their ground for youth Civil Rights," a representative from Crenshaw High School said in a statement.

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