Long Beach Eyes Crackdown On Ice Cream Truck 'Nuisance'
LONG BEACH (CBSLA.com) — The ice cream man could be silenced once the fireworks are over this Fourth of July if one Long Beach city official has his way.
Councilman Dee Andrews is expected to introduce a plan at next week's Long Beach City Council meeting to regulate the noise of local ice cream trucks.
Andrews will request that the City Attorney amend the municipal code to specially address what he described as "the nuisance that Ice Cream Trucks create." The proposal also would prohibit ice cream trucks from broadcasting any amplified music while parked and dispensing ice cream.
The motion comes after Andrews received complaints from residents throughout the years about the noise level created by idle ice cream trucks, especially in the mid-city areas.
According to Andrews, "residents' peace and quiet is disrupted by a constant procession of trucks playing various songs at high volume levels" and "can be heard throughout the day and into the evening hours for several blocks."
In several cases, an additional ice cream truck will follow the first one and the cycle repeats all through the day, he added.
"Currently, there are no laws on the books regulating the trucks from playing music while they are parked. To keep trucks in compliance within the noise regulations, one of the enforcement mechanism for the strengthening of the noise ordinance with be administered through the Business License Department", said Councilman Andrews.
At least one resident was in favor of the proposal.
"I have been living in the Wrigley Neighborhood for 7 years. Each year, the Ice Cream Truck noise gets louder and the trucks increase in numbers," said district resident Sam Portillo. "It has definitely affected my quality of life for years and I am thankful that something is being proposed to address the problem."
Andrews was expected to introduce the agenda item at the City Council meeting on July 9.