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Rancho Palos Verdes Man Jailed In Oakland For Trying To Board Plane With Odd-Looking Watch

LOS ANGELES ( — A Rancho Palos Verdes man is under arrest this evening for allegedly trying to board a plane in Oakland with materials that could be used to make a bomb.

Geoff McGann is accused of making his way through security wearing an odd-looking watch that alerted TSA. As described, the watch sounded more like a detonator than a timepiece.

J.D. Nelson of the Alameda County Sheriff's Department, said McGann's watch "had a toggle switch, a series of fuses, a series of wires protruding from it, a circuit board and the watch itself was on incorrect time."

Juan Fernandez, reporting for CBS2 and KCAL9, said what security found next alarmed them even more.

McGann allegedly was wearing boots with hollowed out compartments. And according to authorities, he couldn't explain why he was wearing them. He reportedly told authorities the watch was "part of an art project."

Fernandez went to the single family home where McGann lives.

No one was home, but a note on the door instructed UPS to leave any packages on the doorstep.

Fernandez said two small dogs could be heard barking inside the home.

Neighbors (who chose to not go on camera) described McGann as a quiet guy who lived alone. "He's not the kind of guy who would cause any trouble," Fernandez reported.

No explosives were found on McGann's person and officials don't believe McGann was attempting an act of terrorism.

Still, they believe what he did could have been dangerous.

Nelson adds, "as a triggering device, absolutely, absolutely. It absolutely could have been a triggering device. Obviously he was missing a couple of things along the way."

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