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Whitman, Brown Seek Votes With Just 5 Weeks Until Election

DAVIS (AP) — In their first debate of the California governor's race, Democrat Jerry Brown and Republican Meg Whitman showed voters the sharply differing viewpoints and personal styles that have marked their candidacies for the state's top job.

They succeeded in drawing a contrast for voters who will decide in just five weeks who should replace the termed-out Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Whitman, who wants to bring the discipline and focus of a CEO to breaking through Sacramento's political gridlock; or Brown, the offbeat, veteran political hand who would bring experience in both life and governing to the job.


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Both candidates addressed the criticisms that have marked the tight and at times negative campaign, without turning overtly nasty during the hour-long forum at the University of California, Davis.

Brown, 72, known for his tendency to ramble, remained disciplined during the televised forum, seeking to portray himself as an elder statesman with the experience to tackle California's serious fiscal and policy problems. He appeared lighthearted and warm, conveying passion for the job he held from 1975 to 1983.

He also sought to turn his age into an asset, cracking jokes about the savings the state would see if he delayed his pension by another four or eight years while he served as governor.

At one point, Brown was asked if he would be more focused as governor than he was when he first held the office and ran for president.

"Age," he quipped. "Hell, if I was younger, you know I'd be running again."

Whitman, 54, the billionaire former eBay chief executive who has poured a record-setting $119 million of her own money into her campaign, hued closely to her talking points.

She recited lists of statistics as she sought to show voters she has a firm understanding of California government, despite her inexperience. Whitman's stiffness during what was only her third debate during her first run for public office also stood in marked contrast to Brown's ease after 40 years in the public eye.

She continued to steer her answers to her main campaign talking points about creating jobs and reviving the economy.

The first of three scheduled debates during the campaign was at turns personal and policy-oriented, with each candidate seeking to demonstrate to voters why their particular brand of experience is needed in the beleaguered state, which has a $19 billion budget deficit and a 12.4 percent unemployment rate.

Brown defended his two previous terms as governor, characterizing himself as fiscally conservative. He said his years as governor were marked by fiscal restraint, clashes with state employee unions and robust private-sector job growth.

"I've been in the kitchen, and I know the heat ... I have the spine and wisdom to do what's right," he said.

Until now, the governor's race has been waged primarily through television and radio ads. In addition to her own contributions, Whitman has raised at least $26 million from outside sources. Whitman repeatedly charged that Brown, who has raised about $30 million, was too cozy with the public employee unions that have campaigned on his behalf.

She said her personal spending affords an independence that would allow her to implement major changes.

"If you want someone who will just go along, not really fundamentally change what is wrong with Sacramento, then I'm not your candidate," she said.

Public employee pensions are among the spiraling costs burdening state government, and both candidates were asked how they would control them. Whitman repeated her campaign promise that she would raise the retirement age for state employees from 55 to 65, as well as force new state employees into 401(k)-style retirement plans rather than pensions.

Brown said he also supports pension reform and said he proposed major changes during his first term.

Both tried to persuade voters they had a clear plan for lifting California's economy and solving its budget problems. They also discussed immigration, campaign finance reform, global warming, water issues and the death penalty.

Brown criticized Whitman's approach of targeted tax cuts to improve the state's economy, including eliminating the capital gains tax, which he said will benefit only the rich and leave other Californians behind. He said her approach was more of what he described as a failed economic model from the Bush era that would benefit some of the same wealthy individuals who are donating to her campaign.

Both candidates criticized the failure of Schwarzenegger and the Legislature to pass a budget, who have set a record for the longest California has gone without a spending plan since the state started its fiscal year on July 1.

(© Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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