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UC Irvine Student Leadership Panel Votes To Remove American Flag From Campus Lobby

IRVINE ( — Students at UC Irvine have voted for a more "inclusive space" by banning the American flag on part of the campus.

Under resolution R50-70 passed Thursday, the Associated Students of UCI voted to remove all flags, including Old Glory, from a student government work room on campus, according to the Associated Students website.

A portion of the resolution reads: "(F)lags construct paradigms of conformity and sets homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality and democracy."

Authored by student Matthew Guevara, the resolution goes on to state that since "the American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism," its display "does not express only selective aspects of its symbolism but the entire spectrum of its interpretation."

After citing freedom of speech as a "valued right that ASUCI supports," the resolution states that "freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible can be interpreted as hate speech."

The resolution concludes with the following: "Let it be resolved that ASUCI make every effort to make the Associated Students main lobby space as inclusive as possible. Let it further be resolved that no flag, of any nation, may be hanged on the walls of the Associate Student main lobby space."

A final tally ended in six votes in favor of the resolution, four opposed, and two abstaining.

In a message posted on the group's Facebook page Thursday evening, ASUCI President Reza Zomorrodian voiced his opposition to the resolution and said officials have yet to decide on a course of action regarding the vote.

"I stand firmly against this piece of legislation, though I understand the authors intent and supporters intent, I disagree with the solution [the ASUCI Legislative Council] has come to," Zomorrodian said.

It wasn't immediately clear when a final decision would be made.

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