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Learn How To Defend Yourself With 'You Can Fight' App

STUDIO CITY (KCAL9) — Do you know how to defend yourself?

Helen Anzalone Gordon, third degree black belt and creator of the "You Can Fight" app, stopped by KCAL9 to show her top self-defense moves.

Three Self-Defense Tips:

  • Imagine your worst nightmare is coming true.  There is a man coming at you, clearly up to no good.  What do you do?  Don't panic!
  • There are 3 tips that you can use to get yourself out of the situation safely.
    • Take a deep breath then strike quickly and strongly so that you catch him by surprise.
    • There are three places to strike.  Pick the one you think you can execute the best in the situation and then do it and get away from there (and call the police)
    • Eyes – Gauge the eyes. This one is not for the weak at heart.  It is pretty gross because you need to really dig your fingers or nails in the socket for it to work.
    • Throat – Punch the throat.  Hard.  This will cut off his air and bring him down.
    • Groin – Kick or slap the groin. It doesn't take a lot of force to drop a man to his knees.

Three Tips For Remaining Safe:

  • A.W.A.R.E.: Always Watch And Remain Engaged.  There are plenty of conscious decisions you can make that can lower the chances that you will be attacked.
  • Common sense can be the best line of self-­defense.  Being aware of your surroundings is key! That means "keeping your eye on the road" so to speak.  Focus on what you are doing. Predators look for easy targets: women who are not paying attention to what they are doing.
  • Here are three things you should stop doing immediately:
    • 1. STOP Texting while walking. It's crazy how addicting texting can be. If you are focused on texting, you will not be aware if someone is coming up behind you.
    • 2.  STOP Looking through your purse while walking. When you are looking down in your purse, you are focused on that and not on your surroundings, giving the attacker the advantage he needs to catch you off guard.  Have your keys in your hand ready to open the door to your car or house. As a side note, if you hold your keys between your fingers pointed out, they can also be used a weapon if need be.
    • 3.  STOP Looking down while you walk or as you pass someone on the street.  You should look people in the eye as you pass them and walk with your head up and arms swinging naturally at your sides.  First, you will look confident. Second, predators don't want to be identified. So if you are making eye contact with someone who might do you harm, and you are walking with confidence, they will re-think you as a target. Remember the mantra A.W.A.R.E.-- Always Watch And Remain Engaged. When you do, you will lower the chances that you will become a victim, and you will feel more empowered.

Three Things To Do To Ensure Safety When Meeting Someone For The First Time:

  • DO: Drive yourself and meet him. You should never have someone you haven't met come to your house to pick you up. If he has to take you back home and you don't like him that could get ugly. And, if it is someone you don't want to see again, do you really want him knowing where you live. There are a lot of weirdos out there.
  • DO: Pick a safe place with lots of people, and let a friend know where you will be. You can even arrange a call or text from her at a certain time to let her know everything is AOK.
  • DO: Watch how much alcohol you consume. Don't over drink. Driving yourself is a great incentive not to drink since you shouldn't drink and drive anyway, but more than 50% of sexual assaults involve alcohol. Let's be clear, it is never ever the fault of the victim, but why not keep your senses in case you need to defend yourself.
  • Let's keep the danger out of dating and keep it exciting and fun!
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