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Our Cutest Pet Contest: The Secret Campaign For An Underdog

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CBS2'sCutest Pet Contest wraps up this Wednesday. American Idol got nothin' on us. Two dogs, a cat, a bird, and a pig.  Now I have to be honest: I have zero say in the outcome. So all of those steaks, show tickets, limousine vouchers, and bags of cash with big "$"-signs on the side that you've sent really didn't change anything. (Note to HR: he's kidding. -Ed.) Sibila, Josh, and Whitney, ditto.

But I have noticed a slight bit of subtle campaigning for one of the finalists. The pig! The slight bit of subtle campaigning has gone something like "I think they should pick the pig!" I won't say who said that, but let's just call her W. Drolen.  No, that's too obvious: let's say Whitney D.

Actually, the pig might be a wise choice. If our judges (did I mention we're not the judges?) pick a dog, the cat people will be mad.  If we pick a cat, the dog people ... etc., etc. The parrot is pretty; but for that very reason --people standing next to its cage all day, yelling 'pretty bird! pretty bird!'-- it's probably had its moment.

How often does a pig win a cutest pet contest? This would be an inspiration to all other pigs to keep reaching for the stars. Besides, if any of the other animals lose, I don't see them faced with a future that includes the words "$2.95/lb."  Just sayin'.

Don't forget to vote. And see the final results, Wednesday, on CBS@ News, 4:30- 7 a.m.

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