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LAPD Arrests Possible DUI Driver After Pursuit

PANORAMA CITY ( — The LAPD arrested a possible DUI driver after a high-speed chase, officials said.

After a brief chase, the suspect bailed out of the vehicle, leaving it running. A passenger also bailed but was apprehended.

The pursuit began around 9:35 p.m. in Pacoima.

Stu Mundel, reporting in Sky9, said the suspect was driving a pickup.

In Panorama City, the suspect was driving erratically and on the wrong side of the road.

Officers believed they knew the suspect they were pursuing, Mundel reported.

The suspect remained on the 5 Freeway in the beginning of the pursuit and then exited to side streets where "he made lots of crazy turns," Mundel said.

Two people jumped out of the vehicle as it slowed in Panorama City.

Police surrounded the area as the driver was shown jumping several backyard fences in an attempt to evade authorities.

A LAPD helicopter kept a searchlight on the suspect.

The suspect seemed tired after about 10 minutes of jumping fences.

At one point, the driver entered a home and surrendered to officers about a hour later.

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