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Don't Suffer From Superwoman Syndrome This Holiday!

STUDIO CITY (CBS) — If you are trying to do it all, but there just isn't enough of you, you could be suffering from Superwoman & the Fatigue Syndrome.

Gary Kobat visited the KCAL 9 studios Monday to talk about women who try to do everything during the holidays.

Do you know any woman friends who are tired AND wired? Do any feel fat, fuzzy, and frazzled ? Or maybe they're in denial? Woman's desires and drive for Perfectionism, more male-energy, and being "SuperWoman", out-to-prove that they're just as capable is going to kill them unless they bring some compassion, self-care, self-love, and awaken to whats really going on inside themselves and out.

Kobat, known in Hollywood as The Olympic Mentalist: The Re-Inventor and The Transformer is the best friend anyone woman's self-esteem, self-worth, and wellness can ever have.

Gary has spent the last 15 years assisting elite female athletes, actresses, and womans groups to understand this delicate, yet confusing balance of drive and breakdown.

For more information on Kobat, visit him online.

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