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Have You Ever Done THIS With Your Cellphone?

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One out of five of us drops our cellphone down the toilet. Actually, 19%... almost one out of five of us.  Cnet reports the findings from an MSNBC story, relating a poll by Plaxo. I'm exhausted.
The reasons vary: it's in a back pocket; it's in a front pocket; pockets these days are too shallow; and --God help us-- it's being used. Is there anything more annoying than someone using a public restroom stall as a 21st-century phone booth?
I've heard of potential remedies. Most require more patience than the average user may possess.... Letting it dry out on its own -- no hair dryer, no oven -- without punching the buttons, to see if it 'works right.' Or, putting it in a box of uncooked rice (which pulls out the moisture).  But even if these  remedies were effective, given a choice, would we still want to use that phone?
Still, one out of five seems a bit high.
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