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Your Next Cell Phone: Talk to The Feet

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iPhone?: steam-age stuff. Droid?: 2008 is calling-- it wants its styling back. Meet ...uh...  meet, well, I don't know what they're calling this thing: but it's your next cellphone from Japan.

The website says this human-shaped (What humans do you hang out with, Kent? -Ed.)  mobile phone supposedly is designed to make callers feel closer to the people with whom they're speaking.   You listen at the doll-phone's, er, 'mouth. So far, so good. And you talk into its 'feet.' Or, where the feet would be, if it had any.

And it gets worse better.  The soft, rubbery skin warms and cools for some reason, and a little light inside  glows red, when it's in use.  E.T. was supposed to phone home, not be a phone.

How much, you ask?  What are you, nuts? Why on earth would you want to buy what OddityCentral calls the "creepiest mobile phone ever"? Besides it's just a prototype. They still have issues to work out. Like, if you want to text, where exactly do you press? (Photo source:

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