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What The New "Early Show" Won't Show You On TV

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The new cast of  The CBS Early Show visited our CBS2 News, 4:30-7 a.m. Tuesday: part of a whirlwind tour before they get down to business early next year. I was impressed but not surprised by their graciousness and openness. Also interesting to me: they've bonded very quickly. Hey!: it worked when Sibila and I and Josh and Whitney all started together -- it helps to have coworkers who all like to have fun together.

Things you didn't see on-air: host Chris Wragge was all set to be a Top Gun fighter pilot, until his parents pulled the 'eject' button... probably a wise decision.  Host Erica Hill  broke or sprained her wrist or forearm (Not a doctor, are you Kent?  -Ed.) less than 24 hours earlier, but toughed it out to be with us. She's also very, very kind. Very smart, and very pretty. I'm never sure if HR allows me to say that last part. I really like her a lot. 

News anchor Jeff Glor told me, if he wasn't doing this, he'd like to write books. Fiction or nonfiction? He says both: he likes long-form writing.  And I think weathercaster  Marysol Castro will be the wildcard. She strikes me as the sort of person who is taking everything in, all the time, processing everything.  People like that are fascinating.

I think these new guys will be worth getting to know. I can guarantee they will be a fresh alternative to the morning shows on those lesser networks, that have been phoning it in for years ("Where in the world is....?"  --Really?  Again?) Our new friends on The Early Show begin January 3.

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